Tutorials da un Gunpla Maister :-)

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Tutorials by Aor_or_die
Se questo blog è gestito da un gruppo di Fancazzisti, e la cosa è risaputo, dobbiamo anche rendere onore e meritoa due Gunpla Maister che annoveriamo tra le nostra fila.
Il Bravo Omar ed il Nostro Francesco.
Con la loro collaborazione abbiamo deciso di creare una serie di tutorials, che poi racchiuderemo in categorie e poi in dvd che saranno acquista…..ehm no no scusate la mia vena commerciale stava uscendo.
Vi siete mai chiesti come si ottiene una replica in resina e/o dei nuovi pezzi ?
Bene leggete qui sotto :

                                                        Resin Casting

I want increase the weapons set of my EFREET
NACHT, so I decided to to recast some parts from others kits. Here my complete
step by step.

The first step is to create a plastiline (modelling
putty) base

After I made a pla plates box that takes the Silicone.
ensure it is leak-proof and none of silicone can flow out of the form, I use
some modelling clay to seal it at the bottom.

Now I’m ready to do
the first silicone casting.
Once the first half of the mold is created and
dry, you need to apply a silicone separating cream ( I use an after shave cream
with eucaliptus). This passage is assolutely necessary, so that the two halves
of the mold won’t stick together.
Be careful to apply this paste. If you
don’t cover all the silicone, the two pieces stick together and may ruin the
whole mold and if you put it on the model, it may leave some cream on it, which
will be visible in the actual cast.

Here the two molds.
All the holes make it easier to later fit the two halves together, when

After cleaning all the
spures, I’m ready to use resin.

Here is the complete d

Resin is too much
fragile, so be careful when you cut the pieces.

They looks perfect.
Altough there are some minor bubbles that I’ll fill with putty.

Here my casting after
cleaning and sanding compared to the original one.
