Would you like to add anything about this edition of GBWC 2015?
I satisfied & appreciate all the arrangement have done by Bandai on this trip.
Tell us who you are and how you enter the world of Gundam model building:
Hi, i am Jeff Ho, nice to meet you all, building model kits was my hobby, i build plastic & resin kits. I started Gunpla around year 2005 and my first joining Bandai competition was at 2007.
Some off my results on competitions
2008 – PG Strike (BAKUC 2008 – 1st runner up)
2009 – PG RX-78 (BAKUC 2009 – 1st runner up)
2010 – MG Zeong (BMKWC 2010 – 1st runner up)
2011 – Kshatriya IV – (GBWC 2011 – Grand Final Champion)
2012 – Psycho Gundam / Zaku vs GM (GBWC 2012 Consolation)
2013 – The O.ctopus (GBWC 2013 Best Colouring + Consolation)
2014 – Kshatriya (GBWC 2014 – nothing)
2015 – The Angel (GBWC 2015 Grand Final 2nd runner up)
Beside above, our country Malaysia also having mid year contest, you all can find more pictures at my Facebook (Jeff Ho)
Zaku vs GM – GBWC 2012 |
Kshatriya – GBWC 2011 |
The-O.ctopus – GBWC 2013 |
Kshatriya V – GBWC 2014 |
Let’s go deeper: what kind of modifications have you done to reach this result? Are there any parts you are particulary proud of?
Can’t say proud of, just share some of my idea on my latest entry – The Angel.
Have this idea few years ago, but didn’t do it because finding low cost solutions to recast the face, trying lots experiment (that’s fun).
The whole idea was make this mecha more human look & upside down kitbashing idea.
Have you already had the next works in mind?
No, haven’t decide anything yet.
Thanks a lot for your time and enjoy this well deserved victory!
And do not forget, Italy loves Gunpla!
Jeff with Malaysia’s flag |
Riccardo Forni, Gundam visa Card Award
Riccardo retires Gundam Visa Card Award |
The RX-93 Gesshoku – Lunar Eclipse, the Italian work |
Hi Riccardo!
Few questions to know each other better and discover how you reach the Visa Card Award of GBWC 2015.
How was this experience of GBWC final in Tokyo?
For me it was the first time in Japan, so the exhilaration was double!! I thought about dozen times: “Oh my God! This is real! It really exists!!” I was ready to the “tour de force” (outward voyage 15 hours and 16 hours of way back) but it was really worth, I met fantastic people, I made new friends and this is the most important award of the GBWC.
All the Bandai association has been impeccable, everybody took care of ourselves from beginning to end.
The proclamation |
The ceremony |
The mighty Italian Stallion with the Gundam Rx-78-2 |
What is your favorite model of the other participants?
It’s difficult to show a preference.
I think that Win’s work, world new champion, is truly characteristic and original. Maybe it is out of “mecha” context, but it certainly reflects our builders’ spirit. “another late night” corresponds with each contestant’s work of the last period for this event.
If I have to show a preference ,the green Sazabi “Wasabi” from Indonesia highly stroke me and the second placed’s Nightingale from Hong Kong too.
Watching with my own eyes the live performance of these models was my greatest curiosity. and I has been astonished by these works’ precision and elegance.
Sometimes photos disguise imprecisions , but in this case they don’t do justice to the works.
The Final battle by NM Kay (Indonesia) |
Can you tell us an episode to remember in this final?
I think that the episode that made more an impression on me was what happened in a shop the saturday morning (day before the event).
I was at the check-out for some articles and I had already given to the cashier my passport and credit card (some shops aren’t ‘duty free’ if you show the passport).
While the cashier was packaging my articles, I moved over to let people pass and I tried to remember where I put on my passport….I couldn’t find it!
I looked up and I see a passport at the check-out, so I stretched out my hand to pick it up,thinking it was mine; but an upset voice told me:” Ehi! That’s my passport!!”
What a gaffe!!…It was the customer after me, he had Asian features but he spoke a perfect english slang…strange thing!
I apologized, payed and run away.
That evening, at the hotel, I had an appointment at dinner with Bandai delegate, Kevin (from Usa) and Joshua ( from Australia, but he couldn’t ultimately have dinner with us).
Bandai delegate introduces us and…..Oh my God! The passport guy!!
Nothing to say, we immediately broke the ice! Especially after I gave to him my passport ” So we’re even!!”
A Gunpla Shop |
Bandai delegate |
Would you like to add anything about this edition of GBWC 2015?
I’ve only a regret in this adventure: having been there very little. In this circumstance the mood is really enjoyable and makes you forget the tension caused by the competion.
Obviously there is the exhilaration for the won award that makes evertything much more unbelievable.
This experience has been unique and I’ll work hard to go back there!!
The GBWC Group |
Riccardo with Jousha Darrah, Dennis Chou andJeff |
Tell us who you are and how you enter the world of Gundam model building:
I started this hobby 3 years ago…so I’m still a newbie! I ran with Mini 4WD for 18 years and now I’m simply using the same building skills, tools and materials with Gunplas (like dremel and carbon fibers). I’m an abnomal “Gunplaro” since I never watched any Gundam-related Anime, I’m more of a pure model builder, which can be a big flaw but I find that is really a great strenght since I’m not influenced by story lines or by the rules of the various universes. I can appreciate a model for the model itself, not for what it represents.
Let’s go deeper: what kind of modifications have you done to reach this result? Are there any parts you are particulary proud of?
This year, like last year,I kept my style using LEDs, optical fiber and clear parts, and now the “Tron effect” is my signature. Most of the work was focused on kitbash and in the design/building of the backpack and the laser rifle. Everything is powered by 4 lithium batteries inside the model, but it was a risky choise that I don’t think I’ll do again: it’s too hard and troublesome to handle. Sadly I didn’t have much time to change the project at that point. As I said, I’m still “new”, but the important thing is to learn from our mistakes.
Have you already had the next works in mind?
For next year I’m already planning some works, and I want to improve myself again. Winning a title does not mean that you’ve learned everything, or that now I’m a Gunpla Master. We have a lot of model builders really capable and from them I want to learn: those are the people I want learn from. I’ve been so lucky in being part of this great group of talented people with such skills and experience. Team “Nu Type” was born in october and I hope to contribute with it to keep high his name.
The showcase dedicated to Gesshoku |
His next work.. |
Thanks a lot for your time and enjoy this well deserved victory!
And do not forget, Italy loves Gunp ah no, you already know 😀 !
Thank you guys for the helpfulness and courtesy on behalf of the Gundam Dipendente and all the Italian Gunpla Builders!